10 Tips for…Freshening Your Delivery

You are, most often, the final ingredient that will make a presentation, that is good on paper, go well in the real world. Here are 10 tips that will add that little extra something to your delivery and will ensure that your presentation stands out for the right reasons.
1) Meet people
Meet people (even if you know them) as they come into the room, shake hands, have a brief chat with them to help show your confidence and ‘break the ice’.
2) Show enthusiasm for the subject
If you don’t, your audience won’t be enthusiastic either. Put a lot of energy in and that energy will transfer to the audience. It’s called charisma.
3) Stay out of the way of your visuals
Use the space that you have to move around.
4) Be active
It’s OK to move toward the screen and touch it to emphasize a point and it’s great to address individuals by name to build a sense of connection with the people in the room.
5) Keep your body “open” to the audience as much as you can
It helps you keep eye contact too. An occasional glance at the screen should be all you need to see to speak about the slide’s content.
6) Look at your audience
80% of your speech should be said straight to the audience so get into the habit of looking at the audience as you speak, and saying nothing as you look to your materials for your next ‘cue’.
7) Don’t ever read your slides word for word to the audience
Your slides should be a simple collection of key words and phrases that are there for their benefit.
8) Use slide and PowerPoint ‘builds’
Just like they do on the TV news, for emphasis and impact to help you make your points powerfully.
9) Personalize your presentation
Use your life experience and humanity to sprinkle stories, thoughts, and personal views throughout your talk.
10) Be honest
Real confidence in a presenter is about talking in good faith to your audience, you don’t have to try to be anything other than yourself, speaking with skill to get your message across.
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This article is part of the series ’10 Tips for…’. Watch out for our next article where we will be looking at using your voice.