5 More Ways to Get Instant Feedback from Your Audience

No matter what your profession, there will come a time in your career where you’ll need to deliver a presentation to an audience of either your peers, superiors or potential investors.
And, the success of your presentation depends on a few factors:
- How well you are able to explain your idea to your audience
- How relatable your information is for them
- Whether your presentation fulfils the core reason for your presentation i.e. why you’re presenting to a room full of people in the first place
But, how do you know your presentation did what it was meant to do, for your audience? How do you know if it was a success or not?
Usually, when you ask your audience, “Any questions?” there’s hardly a reply – that’s because almost nobody wants to be put in the spotlight. Now, by integrating simple web-based applications, your audience can ask you anything they might want – anonymously, without the anxiety of being put on the spot.
As the go-to resource for presenters, Presentation Guru knows that’s one of the biggest concerns presenters have. That’s why in our last post, our team covered 10 of the most effective tools for gaining instant feedback, but there are so many out there and now we bring you 5 more tools for making your presentations even more interactive.
Glisser is a live audience Q&A platform that also facilitates live polling, live slide sharing, a twitter wall, quizzes, digital note taking, event feedback, event analytics and Q&A moderation. Participants have the option to upvote or downvote questions, so that the presenter can immediately address the most relevant and pressing issues of the presentation. The Q&A session can be beamed on to the big screen to display the audience’s real time questions, but it also gives the presenter the ability to edit or remove unwanted or embarrassing questions before they are displayed.
Here’s a video explaining how to make a presentation using Glisser:
HyperSay is an audience engagement tool, which enables the audience to participate instantly, anonymously or otherwise. HyperSay allows the presenter to integrate quizzes, polls, videos and questions directly into their PowerPoint or Google Slides presentation. Participants can access the presentation with their smartphones and ask questions, answer polls, like/dislike slides instantly, and give feedback to the presenter on the spot. It also offers post session features like follow up and a sessions report which summarizes what went on during the presentation. The session analytics feature is set to be released, soon.
Find out what Hypersay has to offer in this short video:
Meeting Pulse
A comprehensive Live Audience Platform, Meeting Pulse, can be used for meetings and town halls, conferences and events, livestream and broadcasts or lectures and classes. Being cloud based, it can easily accommodate tens of thousands of participants. It has many features, such as Live Q&A sessions, live polling and surveys, live audience feedback, live raffles and quizzes, analytical/statistical reports based on audience feedback and much more. Its free account supports only a limited number of features, while the full enterprise account supports a plethora of other features. The audience has the option to participate without revealing their identity. While the presenter has the option to approve or edit incoming questions.
This video explains all the major functions of the app:
Meetoo‘s PowerPoint add-in is a live polling solution for PowerPoint users and integrates seamlessly with Windows operating systems, so it’s perfect for high-profile presentations where slide design and a clean interface are crucial. The polling app is available on Microsoft’s Office Store, making it super simple to use on a variety of devices without the difficulty of installing complicated software. Polls or questions are created directly in your slide deck; you control when the poll starts and participants interact with their mobile devices. They can vote on live polls, ask questions and even ‘like’ other comments to show their approval or agreement. Live poll results can be shared and displayed instantly or downloaded for review later.
Pubble Live Q&A
Designed to be incorporated in your conference/live event website, Pubble Live Q&A allows participants to ask questions instantly and follow the thread of questions and answers other participants are asking. It allows Facebook and Twitter integration, where participants can use their social media accounts to post questions. Of course, participants also have the option to post anonymously. It includes a presenter mode, where you can chose the questions you want displayed on the main stage screen.
To find out how you can use the Pubble Live Q&A App to promote yourself through highly engaging Q&A sessions, take a look at this video from Pubble:
Pubble Live Q&A App from John Dineen on Vimeo.
In this day and age, as a presenter you are competing endlessly with all manner of mobile devices for your audience’s attention, but there are countless free and paid tools and applications which will allow you to sneak in and make them take notice. Thanks to these tools you can gain instant feedback and address the issues your presentation failed to answer, right then and there. With direct feedback from the audience, you never have to wonder again whether your presentation did its job or not.
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Jami Lucas
4th September 2018 at 9:56 pm
Any tools or recommendations on how to decide which audience engagement tool is right for your presentation needs/goals or to evaluate their effectiveness? Effectiveness versus cost?