A Recipe for an Efficient Corporate PowerPoint Template

There are always situations where a bespoke PowerPoint design is the only acceptable solution, however for many organisations, the presentations that make up the bulk of the day-to-day operations are likely to be subject to various time or financial constraints, and indeed may well not warrant such expense.
That said, all presentations are important business tools and just as with your company’s website and other marketing materials, thought must be given to ensure the visuals are of high quality and will make the right kind of impact. This is when the corporate PowerPoint template comes into its own.
A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or group of slides that you save as a .potx file. Templates can contain layouts, theme colours, theme fonts, theme effects, background styles and even content, animations and transitions. You can create your own custom templates and store them, reuse them and share them with others.
The corporate template is effectively a catalogue, making the right brand visuals and assets readily available to the staff who should be using them. Sounds simple, doesn’t it, however as Johanna Rehnvall writes in the following article:
Every day, employees spend hours and hours working in inefficient PowerPoint templates trying to create brand compliant communication. This is probably one of the most hidden efficiency thieves in many organizations.
Johanna shares her recipe for an efficient corporate PowerPoint template here.
Or you can watch her short slide show here