Albert Einstein once said, ‘If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.” While we have an entire...
This is Nancy Duarte’s magnum opus. It’s the best book she’s written and the one that every presenter, coach and slide design...
Jon Schwabish is a Government Economist turned presentation guru. He works for the Urban Institute – a non-profit organization, where he specialises...
As presenters, many of us have been caught off guard during the Q&A section after a presentation. In this article, Jim gives a detailed...
Jim Harvey is the founder of The Message Business, a company which helps FTSE 100 companies sell themselves, and their products better....
Status trumps everything when you’re speaking to a crowd? How can that be true? Does status trump the story? The preparation? The visuals?...
Why a Ladder of Abstraction? The purpose of a speech is to move people to action. You point an audience to a...
In a previous post we shared an anecdote about Ernest Hemingway, and his shortest story ever, just 6 words long. We then...
We recently explored the neuroscience behind telling a story, and more specifically how it appeals to an emotional response from an audience....
Every speaker has had something go wrong with the equipment as they speak. The hard truth is that most technical problems are...
It’s easy to present to a crowd who look like you, sound like you and think like you; it’s a whole different...
Nigel Barlow is a skilled conference speaker. He asked us to review his latest book, ‘Rock Your Presentation‘, and we were very...