We’ve published a few articles on presentation preparation, but we’ve never addressed the use of notes when presenting. It’s exactly the kind...
Nigel Barlow is a keynote speaker to many of the world’s most successful brands, focusing on applied innovation. He also coaches speakers...
The ability to connect with your audience is imperative when presenting. Here, Emma has compiled a list of questions to keep in mind for your...
At one point or another, most of us have been involved in some sort of exercise during a presentation. But do they...
From maintaining good body language to speech preparation, we’re continuously trying to help our audience improve their abilities when presenting. Here, Chad has given us a review...
Jim Harvey is the founder of The Message Business, a company which helps FTSE 100 companies sell themselves, and their products better....
From broadcasting webinars for free to downloading free powerpoint templates, we’re always working on sharing cost-effective solutions with our audience. In this article, Karl reviews five...
For presenters, keeping an audience engaged is of the utmost importance when presenting. However, when giving an all-day presentation, sometimes getting the...
The world of business presenting is changing rapidly, and as a community we’re always looking for insight on how to stay on...
Status trumps everything when you’re speaking to a crowd? How can that be true? Does status trump the story? The preparation? The visuals?...
When it comes to presentations, ego has the power to either construct or destruct. Here, Dr Nick Morgan explains how preparation, confidence...
Every presenter will eventually have to deal with questions from an audience, but what are the best ways to prepare for the...