Question: Who is your client/prospect more interested in – you and your company OR themselves and their business? I think we all...
Heroes and villains don’t just exist in fairy tales for children. In our everyday life we are surrounded by them. A business...
You may be a naturally fast talker or a naturally slow talker, but is one better than the other? Do some situations...
Figurative speech and language have the power to bring your talk to life. We’ve written before on how improving your verbal skills...
“As a method of persuasion, I am not a big fan of PowerPoint presentations,” says the legendary screenwriting guru Robert McKee. So...
Amy Singh has previously written for us outlining 5 Easy Visualization Tips for More Effective Presentations. She works as a Visualization Consultant...
There are valuable lessons for the presentation designer in Molly Bang’s wonderful book, Picture This: How Pictures Work. It was written to show ‘how...
An interesting article from Jame Sudakow revealing, what he claims to be, “eye-opening research about what actually influences your audience”. It’s based...
Subscribing to pricey image libraries is probably not something the everyday presenter would consider. We know how time consuming and frustrating it...
Many charts don’t tell the truth (or, at least, are quite misleading). Here’s a simple guide to spotting them, but it comes with...
Dr. Jim Anderson has over 25 years experience transforming shy public speakers into effective ones. We found this recent article from him...
Being able to speak persuasively is a vital skill, and not just for politicians, business leaders and teachers. It is important for...