Ricky Gervais, the overexposed English comedian, writer, and actor, hosted Hollywood’s Golden Globes for the fifth time. His four previous appearances as...
Chantal Bossé has been a TEDx speaker coach since 2012 and Microsoft PowerPoint MVP since 2013. As a presentation & visual communication...
If you’ve been given the task of giving the speech at this year’s office party then you’d better read this article! Gavin...
Stephen Welch is an independent communications and leadership consultant. He works with individuals and organisations to improve how they communicate their messages...
It has been a great decade for speeches, as more individuals have taken the stage to deliver some of the most compelling,...
Tulia Lopes is a certified international speaker and award winning speaker at European level, and she speaks in several different platforms throughout...
No-one can have escaped the ballyhoo surrounding Oprah Winfrey’s acceptance speech at the 75th annual Golden Globe Awards ceremony earlier this week....
Oscar Santolalla has spent more than three years as a Product Manager in the software industry. Either onstage or on blogs, he...
Timo Sorri is the go-to-guy for well-designed presentations, digitalised sales content and account based sales and marketing campaigns. His founding idea for...
Florian Mueck, from Germany but based in Barcelona, worked as a consultant and business development manager for almost a decade for KPMG,...
Simon Morton founded presentation design company Eyeful Presentations in 2004. His goal was big but simple – support businesses to create more...
Philip Collins is a columnist on The Times and the chair of the Trustees at the think tank Demos. Until 2007 he...