Simon Raybould is an English presentation coach. He’s opinionated and prone to challenge the orthodoxy, which, in our minds is a very good...
Philip Collins is a columnist on The Times and the chair of the Trustees at the think tank Demos. Until 2007 he...
Being creative in your presentation isn’t beyond your reach. People wrongly assume that ‘being creative’ takes profound artistic ability, when all you...
There’s a 36 year old guy, married with a mortgage and 3 kids. He stands on a cobbled street in London, asking tourists for...
The Presentation Guild was set up for those who create, design and support presentations. Their aim is to provide a forum where...
What can any presenter, who wants to stand out from the crowd, learn from the momentous events of 2016 and the speeches...
Steve Jobs was one of the greatest and most influential businessmen of his generation. He took an idea from a humble garage and...
Nigel Barlow is a keynote speaker to many of the world’s most successful brands, focusing on applied innovation. He also coaches speakers...
Jim Harvey is the founder of The Message Business, a company which helps FTSE 100 companies sell themselves, and their products better....
Jon Schwabish is an economist, writer, teacher, and creator of policy-relevant data visualizations. He is considered a leading voice for clarity and...
Olivia Schofield is a Keynote speaker, executive coach and trainer. She is the founder of Spectacular Speaking and co-founder of Vocal Women...
Emma Bannister is one of the founders of Presentation Guru. She is passionate about changing presentation culture and has seen the shift in...