When I offered to a friend, who is still active in academic research and at the time was searching a new position,...
As a presenter, one of the worst things that can happen during your presentation is not you forgetting to mention an important...
Simply put, data analytics is the close examination of all observable data in order to draw valuable conclusions with which an organisation...
“Stories are anecdotes and we expect medical technologies to be based on a bit more solid evidence than that.” When Dr Oliver...
Is your presentation data meaningful? It’s all about context. Numbers are meaningless on their own. Jude Barak shows us how to share our...
Jon Schwabish is a Government Economist turned presentation guru. He works for the Urban Institute – a non-profit organization, where he specialises...
Here’s an article by Kartik Sundar, co-founder of Aploris, on creating charts that the audience will understand. Aploris enables PowerPoint users to...
Far too many presenters pack their slides with far too much information: text, bullet points, graphs, data markers, data labels, and collections...