Stories are memorable, stories make a connection and so stories stick. All good. But if you don’t consider yourself a natural raconteur...
When you deliver a presentation, you know what you want to say but your audience doesn’t. It’s like you are on one...
Take some time to remember one of the most famous of Aesop’s Fables. A slow, yet persistent reptile defeats a famously quick...
Think of the last good movie you watched. It likely had bright images, a compelling script, music, rhythm and heroic characters. All...
Imagine that you’ve been engaged to coach a senior speaker for an upcoming keynote presentation. You get up in the morning, put...
We came upon this great post on the teachers’ website It’s actually written by a teacher to teach other teachers how...
Heroes and villains don’t just exist in fairy tales for children. In our everyday life we are surrounded by them. A business...
Dr. Jim Anderson has over 25 years experience transforming shy public speakers into effective ones. We found this recent article from him...
In a previous post we shared an anecdote about Ernest Hemingway, and his shortest story ever, just 6 words long. We then...
The human brain is wired for emotion, and we’ve spoken previously about how this can be used for effective pitches. Here, Doug...
We recently posted on the importance of simple Story Structure as the basic framework for every presentation made, speech written and story told. Without such...
Why is it so hard to sell our ideas to other people? What makes people say no to a sales pitch? Why...