Ricky Gervais, the overexposed English comedian, writer, and actor, hosted Hollywood’s Golden Globes for the fifth time. His four previous appearances as...
Kudos to my friend and co-founder of Presentation Guru, Jim Harvey. Jim recently took the plunge and jumped into the world of...
When John, Emma and I set up Presentation Guru we wanted to create a shared resource (The ‘guru’ is the community, not...
How do great speakers connect, engage and entertain their audiences? The French author Victor Hugo said, “Laughter is the sun that drives...
What do great speakers do? Well we could tell you, but, probably better we let David Nihill SHOW you. David runs FunnyBiz...
Presenting better than the norm gives you a clear competitive advantage in your field If you present slightly better than the norm...
There’s a 36 year old guy, married with a mortgage and 3 kids. He stands on a cobbled street in London, asking tourists for...
As presenters, many of us have been caught off guard during the Q&A section after a presentation. In this article, Jim gives a detailed...