The Best Presentation Remote Control for under $10

Can you really get a decent presentation remote for less than $10? Last week we published a review of the Logitech Spotlight. Without doubt this is an impressive bit of kit and, if you have to give a lot of presentations, is a great investment. However it comes at a price, and that might not be a price that you’re willing to pay.
In which case, we suggest you take a look at the Amerteer Wireless Presenter. Our colleague Jim Harvey stumbled across this little gizmo recently when a much dreaded ‘technical glitch’ befell him. Amerteer saved the day and Jim is now a convert! All you have to do is plug the wireless receiver into your computer’s USB port and you’re ready to click through your presentation. There’s also a laser pointer for you to highlight your points. It couldn’t be easier and does cost less than $10!
Watch this short video and Jim will explain why he likes the Amerteer Wireless Presenter so much:
Click here to get your own Amerteer Wireless Presenter