The Greatest Sales Pitch I’ve Seen All Year

How do you differentiate yourself in a marketplace crowded with similar offerings?
Product differentiation, by itself, has become indefensible because today’s competitors can copy your better, faster, cheaper features virtually instantly. Now, the only thing they can’t replicate is the trust that customers feel for you and your team.
How do you go about building that trust? In his recent LinkedIn article, Andy Raskin shares the greatest sales pitch he has seen all year and outlines the elements needed to build a powerful strategic story. You can read his article here: The Greatest Sales Pitch I’ve Seen All Year
It’s more important now than ever to differentiate through a customer-centric strategic narrative
In other words, the story you tell has the potential to set you apart from your competitors. If you want more guidance on how to structure your story, sign up to download our free guide, Six Speech Structures – A Guide for Everyday Business Presentations, which gives you a simple story structure to apply to any presentation. We’ve done the thinking so you don’t have to.
The Six Speech outlines cover the six most common speeches made in business. Sign up to our monthly newsletter and we’ll send the free guide straight to you.
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