Who is the Hero of Your Sales Presentation?

Heroes and villains don’t just exist in fairy tales for children. In our everyday life we are surrounded by them. A business presenter’s job is to identify these heroes and villains, and help his audience to overcome any obstacles in order to reach the brave new world.
Paul Shapiro, the CEO of CustomShow has written an excellent article showing:
Sales presentations are stories about the dangerous and exciting world of business, but where the obstacles, villains and treasures are straight out of a SWOT analysis instead of a fairy tale.
We have talked previously of the importance of making your audience the hero and the journey the hero takes before ultimately triumphing. Paul’s article effectively reinforces the idea that the hero of every sales presentation story needs to be the prospect.
But how do you make your prospect the hero of the story?
To find out, read: Sales Storytelling – Who’s the Hero? | Paul Shapiro | Pulse | LinkedIn