The Guru’s Big Five Questions – Nick Morgan

Dr Nick Morgan is one of America’s top communication speakers, theorists and coaches. A passionate teacher, he is committed to helping people find clarity in their thinking and ideas – and then delivering them with panache.
He has been commissioned by Fortune 50 companies to write for many CEOs and presidents. He has coached people to give Congressional testimony, to appear on the Today show, and to deliver an unforgettable TED talk.
We want to help our readers build their skills as presentation designers, speakers and coaches, learning from a wide range of our colleagues from across the world, so in this occasional series, The Guru’s Big Five Questions, we ask the experts the same five questions about their inspiration, their hopes and their role models in the ever-changing arena of world-class presenting. This is what Nick had to say:
What’s the greatest speech in history and why?
As an American, I’ll have to pick Reverend Martin Luther King Jr’s “I have a dream” speech. It brought Americans together and pushed the Civil Rights movement forward significantly. But of course every era and every country has its great orators.
What’s the greatest business presentation / sales pitch and why?
This category of greatest speech is hard to determine because so many business speeches go unrecorded and ignored by the rest of the world. I would have to say Steve Jobs’ brilliant presentations announcing the iphone and the ipod, because those speeches inaugurated a revolution in music and communication habits we’re still experiencing today.
Who is the best political/cause orator today & why?
Former President Bill Clinton is still the best, even though he’s starting to age. He can present a logical argument with force, clarity and emotion and do it better than anyone else currently speaking.
What’s the one most important thing that anyone making a speech should do more than anything else?
Figure out what the one idea is that you want to get across in the speech and then eliminate everything else.
Who inspired you starting out in the business? Who inspires you now?
The Dalai Lama inspired me when I was 17 and he still inspires me today.